By Roseberry
Ayrshire, United Kingdom
What is the name of this succulent and can I leave them outside in the ground over winter ?
- 30 Sep, 2013
Yes Echiveria, but in the past i have always moved them into a green house and even then afforded them extra protection should prolongued frosts occur, you have to bring them in dont leave them outside through the winter and dont overwater once inside do so very sparnigly.
30 Sep, 2013
Thank you Hortum and Julien. Gardening jobs got the better of me in the Autumn so my Echeveria are surviving well out side. They do get the sun and also growing under a Bay tree seem to be protected.
19 Feb, 2014
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« is it usual for Jerusalem's Artichoke to start flowering now?
Echeveria - needs a sunny spot, protected from the severe cold
30 Sep, 2013