By Catty4667
United Kingdom
is it usual for Jerusalem's Artichoke to start flowering now?
30 Sep, 2013
Late summer/early autumn here in Fife is normal. Mine is just about to produce flowers - planted in March and about 5.5ft now. Probably should have fed and watered them more though!
30 Sep, 2013
thank you, its just that on the packet i got them in it said flowers july to late august, my tallest one is over 6ft others about 5ft. thanks again
30 Sep, 2013
As they get established they will grow earlier and hence flower earlier. I only planted mine for the first time this year as well. Good luck - are you going to eat them? I grew ones from a supermarket for the growth and flowers and not really tempted to try them!
30 Sep, 2013
yes i a going to try them, i know you can start collecting them on the second year after they have flowered, i have someone in the family who is diabetic and they are supposed to be very beneficial for diabetes because they help produce insulin in the body. even if they taste bad they look spectacular in the garden! good luck as well!
30 Sep, 2013
They make wonderful soup. :)
30 Sep, 2013
i will try that out thank you
1 Oct, 2013
I got a wonderful crop once and nobody would eat them. And they kept coming year after year...
1 Oct, 2013
oh no! maybe put them in meals as "potatoes" and don't tell them? i have done that before but with nettles and rabbit!
2 Oct, 2013
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« I have just moved a hydrangea plant and it doesn't look very happy! Should I...
Yep, perhaps a little late, but not unusually so
30 Sep, 2013