By Seaburngirl
East Yorkshire,
United Kingdom
name of a hypericum variety?
In a bunch of flowers there is a stem of berries from this hypericum. They are a rosy pink colour about 1cm big and fully ripen to a dark brown. I'am going to try to grow them but any one know which variety it is. More to the point will it be hardy up here in east yorks?
19 Feb, 2010
I agree with Louise, it sounds like the 'Elstead' variety,as I have this one too.Its
a nice size,and lovely to see the changing colours on the berries.
19 Feb, 2010
thats great thanks Ladies. It doesnt sound too big either. Finding a sunny spot in my garden might be the problem however. It seems to have smallish flowers too. I will try and grow the seeds.
19 Feb, 2010
And, it's a good fast grower !
That was actually the reason i removed 2 of them !!!
I'd sited them wrongly really and where they were just didn't allow for that growth :-/
19 Feb, 2010
glad you added that bit ta :o)
19 Feb, 2010
Previous question
« I have lots of little fruits on my plant but my lraves are looking pale
I've had a berrying one Seaburn.
There are several types that have berries but the one i had was H inodorum 'Elstead'.
This one reached about 3.5' high and about the same width.
They like sun and free draining soil.
19 Feb, 2010