United Kingdom
Hello, I have been trawling the net, looking at Per. Geraniums, help, any ideas, I want low growing ish, clump forming pink white and blue, got johnson, how about perfect stor, and sweet heidy, beth chatto, perhaps thanks in advance I know spritzy has loads I have had a look but the names arnt underneath the pics. welcome all spring is here!!
20 Feb, 2010
I have pictures of my geraniums as well - there might be one or two there that spritz hasn't got!
20 Feb, 2010
I like the little pink 'ballerina'-- I do like hardy geraniums, they seem to grow well here -- clay soil and on a hill-- if I give them a trim after flowering they go on until the frosts
20 Feb, 2010
Previous question
Hi Patricia - go to my home page via my 'dog' picture, then to 'Garden'. You'll find photos of lots of geraniums in alphabetical order, if you scroll down to the 'G' pages - they start on page 5. They are all named! Have fun choosing. :-)
20 Feb, 2010