By Mickayla
United Kingdom
I want a climbing plant for my wall which is fast growing ?
21 Feb, 2010
if you want something REALLY fast growing theres 'russian mile-a-minute-vine' but its not for the faint hearted i'd google it first!, there are things like virginia creeper and boston ivy but they cling to a wall and may damage the brickwork sounds as if i'm putting you off my ideas but I'm not sure if its a house wall or an old wall that you want to cover quickly
21 Feb, 2010
As mentioned above, it really depends on what sort of wall, what aspect (ie north facing, south facing, etc), whether there's any support for a climbing plant eg a trellis, area of wall to be covered, height of wall, etc ,etc....
21 Feb, 2010
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If it's sheltered enough, you could try Clematis armandii which has large leathery leaves and white flowers in early spring. Fast growing of course usually also means it needs a large area of structure (wall) to grow on. I presume you have this? It will need something to attach itself too as it is not a clinger but uses its leaf stalks to wrap around wires, twigs etc so attach strong mesh or wires at regular intervals.
There are quite a few other candidates but as you have not specified anything other than fast growing, I will leave this for others to add to.
21 Feb, 2010