By Mrsjeanpike
United Kingdom
Hi is there a book that tells you what to do when plants
finish flowering. I have a pot of Lillies and they finished flowering early on in the season. I have taken the flowers off but do I cut the stems back or leave them to die back
6 Oct, 2013
If you can't find the type of book you are looking for the RHS website is generally a good place to find information and often with pictures.
The page regarding growing lilies in pots is quite informative and confirms everything that Steragram has told you.
6 Oct, 2013
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You should feed them after flowering until the leaves die back naturally, to build up the bulbs for next year. Don't cut the leaves off as they are feeding the bulbs too. You can cut off any completely dead flower stems though.They should appear again next year but if you haven't fed them they may not flower well.If so just feed them anyway and wait until the following year!
I've never seen a book that just tells you what to do after flowering.
6 Oct, 2013