Plants Shade
By Sitheblade
South Yorkshire,
United Kingdom
Can somebody give me some advice,I am wanting to buy some plants for a shaded area but low to medium growing what flowers.
23 Feb, 2010
As Bornagain says, wet or dry shade would be useful to know, but, assuming it's not under the roots of a tree, just happens to be shady and doesn't get either absolutely waterlogged or very, very dry, have a look at Geraniums (not Pelargonium geraniums) Ajuga reptans, Lysimachia, campanula muralis, brunnera, campanula persificolia, Lamiums, primroses, pansies and for shrubs Sarcoccoca varieties, Mahonia aquifolium and Ruscus to name a few. If its waterlogged, there's a whole other list of plants...
23 Feb, 2010
All Bamboos list and foxgloves, heuchera, tiarella and heucherella,aucuba, do you like ferns? impatiens and nicotiana if the shade is not deep and they get some sun. Loads you could try depending on conditions:-)
23 Feb, 2010
Well in summer it can be dry shade but when it rain's it does get wet like in autumn & winter it stay's moist and the area i want to plant out is under a privet hedge and i want shrubs.
23 Feb, 2010
Then you have a major problem as privet is a gross feeder and will have leached all the goodness from the soil. Get rid of the privet or forget about other shrubs, or plants for that matter!
23 Feb, 2010
Have a look at my plant list as many of my plants are in varying depths of shade. shed border tag and beech tree tag on many of the plants mean they are in shade. A challenge all the way. :o)
23 Feb, 2010
Do you mean right up against the privet or some way from it?
23 Feb, 2010
Oh dear - as everyone says, privet will not tolerate anything growing close to it - it takes all the nutrients and moisture for itself. You'd need a minimum of 3 feet, preferablysix, between the base of the hedge and any other planting.
24 Feb, 2010
Maybe you could grow some in pots????
24 Feb, 2010
Previous question
« Sweetpeas, do these look right now? They've been decapitated and put in a new...
Is it moist shade or dry shade Sitheblade? and is it dense shade? Do you want a mix of shrubs and perennials?
23 Feb, 2010