By Bornagain
West Midlands,
United Kingdom
Sweetpeas, do these look right now? They've been decapitated and put in a new home in the porch in their own little plastic greenhouse. They'll miss their warm bedroom:-( The little greenhouse is not a thing of beauty and I only hope the neighbours don't get up a petition:-)
On plant
Lathyrus odoratus

23 Feb, 2010
Featured on:
sweet peas
Great idea putting the plastic greenhouse in the porch, did you know you can buy an extra fleece cover for them to keep them even cosier---- £4-99 from Wilkinsons.
Sorry not know about Sweetpeas. :o)))
23 Feb, 2010
Great idea Valadel, but not sure the neighbours will approve lol. I bought this from Wilkinsons , think it was £12 (bargain) Do you think it will need the fleece as well?
23 Feb, 2010
I'm sure they'll be fine now Ba.....your porch is frost free isn't it?
23 Feb, 2010
Gosh that was a bargain.
Have thought that if we have another severe winter again I would put my little greenhouse in the conservatory.
23 Feb, 2010
look quite leggy but may be ok, once they get to 3-6" pinch the seedlings to encorage side shoots for stronger shoots bornagain, ;o) also when growing up trellis snip any cliggers that arent being used to encorage strong growth, cut lots of flowers so you keep getting more through summer, hope this helps, mine did great last year
23 Feb, 2010
Sorry I think you have started them off far too early, particularly given the weather this winter... Would suggest you start more in a week or so.
23 Feb, 2010
Yes I do that San....tie them in then snip the tendrils off...stops them choking each other too...:o)
23 Feb, 2010
yes nothing worse than watching your sweetpeas choking janey hehhe :o))
23 Feb, 2010
Lol San....not much fun laying them flat out in the recovery position........:o)
23 Feb, 2010
lol doing the kiss of life janey hahaah
23 Feb, 2010
You do realize you are being disrespectful the serious question...(tee..hee!)
23 Feb, 2010
oops sorry bornagain :o))) hehe
23 Feb, 2010
23 Feb, 2010
tired now of to bed nite janey ;o) x
good luck with sweetpeas bornagain ;o))
23 Feb, 2010
Me too San...nitey nite San and Ba......going to read me book...:o)X
23 Feb, 2010
Moongrower, are they .....doomed...gulp? Have you any idea how I have fussed over these?? Kill them, never! Spritz is their godmother. I spent all day making paper pots for them. I have built them a home where they will get more there no hope??? And you two, Janey and're as bad as Spritz....she called them ...SPINDLY and she's their godmother! I will persevere with them and ok Mg I'll do a few more in a couple of weeks too. Thanks for all comments (even the cruel ones) :-))
23 Feb, 2010
awww bornagain im sorry, keep them going and they may be ok, then you can have a dig at us comedians lol
24 Feb, 2010
Lol Ba......they'll be I say, mine were like this last Spritz still going to be Godmother? I can do bootees in pink or blue....:o))) X
24 Feb, 2010
lol janey :o))
24 Feb, 2010
Yes Janey, she begged...and I forgave her, do you think they should have more than one godmother?? I can see how handy you would be with your knitting needles:-))))
24 Feb, 2010
lol bornagain ;o)
24 Feb, 2010
Oh....yes I think they should have 3, Spritz San and me......we'll keep them on the straight and narrow.... Up those canes....Lol!
24 Feb, 2010
lol sure will :o))
24 Feb, 2010
I accept, do godmothers have to buy presents? They've told me what they would like (rubbing hands together and twiddling my moustache) you're so kind and generous:-))))
25 Feb, 2010
good try bornagain :o)))
25 Feb, 2010
25 Feb, 2010
25 Feb, 2010
lol Janey, just conjuring up the archetypal villain image.... honest....well maybe just a trace......:-)
25 Feb, 2010
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Previous question
It's snowing again here, the last lot hasn't quite gone :-( I must remember to zip them up at night to keep them a little more cosy. I wonder what will be joining them, maybe my dahlias?? I'm not used to all this mollycoddling as I've only really bothered with perennials or the odd hardy annuals:-)
23 Feb, 2010