By Steragram
United Kingdom
Hydrangea roots - a change of plan means a young and very healthy but potentially very big hydrangea now about 2ft6" high and across needs moving. A sort of preliminary explore round it doesn't reveal any small roots - do they have a big tap root and if so does it matter if I cut it? I've explored to a spit deep and found hardly any other roots at all
8 Oct, 2013
Just come to the end of its second season in the ground (or third, time goes so fast!) I grew it from a cutting.
8 Oct, 2013
Should be possible to move it successfully without too much trouble. Their roots can go down pretty deep after a few years, but in that short time, should be fine. Personally, I'd attempt to get the majority of root material out intact, even if that means excavating inside the hole you've dug to expose the roots.
8 Oct, 2013
Ah well, that's what I thought but was hoping it might be possible to get away without. May postpone further mining until leaf fall! Thank you.
8 Oct, 2013
The move was successful and the bush is now quite big.
9 Jul, 2016
Oh, good, thanks for letting me know!
9 Jul, 2016
How long's it been in the ground?
8 Oct, 2013