Cyprus seedlings. Does anyone know what they are please?
By Pixielady
United Kingdom
When I visited Cyprus in 2007 I bought home many seeds that I'd found on the ground! I didn't know most of them! These plants grew very well from bright yellow seeds, surprisingly I found I still had some this year & the 4 I planted all grew! If anyone can help with identity that would be good. Jatropha has been one idea.

8 Oct, 2013
Looks more like a Barrel Tree (Brachychiton rupestris) than a Jatropha, to me.
13 Oct, 2013
Thanks Tugbrethil, I will have to look that name up. I've had other ideas as to its identity.
18 Oct, 2013
Yes! I can see the pictures now, thank you. Depending on which variety of Jatropha you have, the leaf shape can vary from palm shaped, much like in your photo, to kidney shaped as you said your others are. So, it's possible that you could have planted seeds from different varieties, i.e. different trees. If this wasn't the case, then as with just about all plant seeds they don't necessarily come true and sometimes it's pot luck what germinates from the seed.
I don't think they will survive our winters, so keep them in your heated greenhouse over winter. Another thing to be aware of is that Jatropha belongs to the Euphorbiaceae family, so they are toxic.
From the picture, the plant seems to be doing well and I wish you luck with it. I am a bit of a seed-aholic too and I get exited about what might develop from some exotic seeds that I planted.
Good luck and please let me know how they get on.
8 Oct, 2013