Pixielady's Profile

About me
Hi everyone, I live in Leics in the UK and have a medium size garden divided into different areas- cottage garden, woodland area, pond, conifers & shrubs, alpines, grasses, patio with containers, two greenhouses and vegetables. We're mostly organic and peat free, though the very occasional chemical creeps in to kill plants that resist organic methods. We've only been growing veg for a couple of years so still learning. I'm definitely a plantaholic and my birthday treat is to find an open garden with a good plant centre! The result is lots of plants still waiting to be planted out. We are wildlife friendly and have lots of bird feeders and plants to attract birds and even owning 2 cats doesn't frighten them off. In 2008 we joined with another garden & opened our garden to the public, in 2009 five gardens opened and 70+ visitors arrived!! Update - this year, 2010, we had 8 open gardens and to our garden alone 130 visitors came!!
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Joined in Mar 2010
Country: United Kingdom
County: Leicestershire