By Chrissy999
Tyne And Wear,
United Kingdom
I have inherited a (filled in) garden pond, stone borders rockery and slate. Over the winter the neighbours irresponsible bird feeding has brought rats to the gardens, which are nesting under my pond. The area has been treated by the council and last week I was giving the go ahead to dismantle and remove all of the above,on Monday I spotted another rat in the garden and don't know what to do, the council have been worse than useless with any advice. Could someone advise me! I'm not sure wheather I have to let the gardener know (when I find one) that there may be rats still there.
Many Thanks
24 Feb, 2010
If needs be go to your garden centre like Wyevale or B and Q they do sell items for detering Rats
26 Feb, 2010
My neighbour had a problem with rats so they got a local private pest control company to sort it out this was about 2/3 years ago and the they are no more rats. I agree with Bulbaholic don't ask questions about how they go about it .Interesting fact In the United Kingdom some figures show that the rat population has been rising, with estimations that 81 million rats reside in the UK. Thats more rats than people.
27 Feb, 2010
Chrissy, I would find a gardeners as quickly as you can, tell them about the rats and leave them to deal with the problem. Just don't ask questions about how they go about it!!!
24 Feb, 2010