By Gateshead
Tyne And Wear,
United Kingdom
overseeding lawn. can someone answer the following points one by one as I'm new to lawn care
1 do I just sprinkle the grass seed or tread it into the lawn
2 do I sprinkle lawn soil on top or do I mix the seed in with it before applying
3 is it too cold to do it now. currently 10degrees in Gateshead and getting colder
14 Oct, 2013
I have always just thrown it down. Get it'll come up where as if it's in the bag, it wont !!!!!! lol
14 Oct, 2013
And if it fails try again in April.
14 Oct, 2013
Roy to the rescue again thank you ! ( although badfish does have a valid point !! ) And I will wait till April as Steragram says before trying out Roys method. many thanks
14 Oct, 2013
I like your philosophy Badfish... If it's in the bag, it has no chance of growing. Haha.
When I had a lawn. I just mixed the seed with some sharp sand and scattered it about on the bare patches, threw some sand/soil mix on the top and treaded it in. I did this at different times of the year and it always seemed to grow.
14 Oct, 2013
I have a feeling everything grows for you Myron!
14 Oct, 2013
Does it not for you Steragram?
14 Oct, 2013 is the ideal time for sowing grass seed. It's will germinate over around 7-8 degrees C. I have an ongoing arguement with my boss at work, he says grass seed should be covered with soil and raked in, ive never bothered.
So recently, i had a few square meters of bare soil to seed, i just threw it down and now i have a lovely lush patch of grass.
15 Oct, 2013
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When I'm reseeding I sprinkle the seed on first then put a thin layer of compost on top, I personally think it germinates better and it also stops the birds eating it. As for the time it's probably not the best because its colder, they do say September is the month for sowing, hope this helps , Roy.
14 Oct, 2013