By Myron
United Kingdom
Growing Liquorice. For years I have been buying liquorice, the hard woody plant type, to infuse with alcohol and star anise to make a black Sambuca drink. I wondered if it would be possible to grow my own liquorice and harvest it instead of buying it? Will it grow over here and if so, how long would the plant take to produce viable roots?
16 Oct, 2013
Well it was grown commercially in Yorkshire until about 100 years ago and I believe a farmer near Pontefract started growing it again last year. You can buy the plant so good luck!
17 Oct, 2013
I loved liquorice root as a child, sold in woody sticks that we
chewed on.......wonder what it did to our teeth!
17 Oct, 2013
I have to admit not knowing that liquorice came from plants, never mind growing it in the UK. That is why this site is good as you learn :)
17 Oct, 2013
I also remember buying these as a child, but I seem to remember the price was 1 old penny, but if this farmer thinks he can get £1 a stick, good luck to him, {I certainly will not be buying any, lol} Derek.
17 Oct, 2013
I read the article that Bilbobaggins mentioned about Mr. Copley starting the only liquorice farm over here. I thought that £1 for a 6 inch stick was a bit over the top and I don't think he's research this. I pay 20p per stick from a stall on Bury market, or I can get it pre-chopped and vacuum packed from a Chinese supermarket for a little bit more.
I'm thinking of growing my own now and undercutting him. This time next year we'll be millionaires Rodney :o)
17 Oct, 2013
Looking at t'web there's a real resurgence for it - from the 'raw' sticks through to the coloured straws. Real stuff seems to sell for about £5 for 12 sticks but they don't say how big the sticks are - not very at a guess.
It's great for sore throats and upset stomachs.
17 Oct, 2013
So, is there a difference in flavour, or liquorice extraction from the wood and the roots? The way I understand it is that the woody branches, which is what I have been using, can be cut from the plant at any time of year. But the root, which grows many feet below the ground is sweeter, but the way I see it is that using the root would be the end of the plant. Am I right, and what should I do, use the root or the wood?
17 Oct, 2013
One old penny sounds about right, although maybe expensive when a lb of old potatoes was was the local green grocer who sold the liquorice root.....
20 Oct, 2013
Try , Myron. I recall Pontefract cakes from childhood and had read not so long ago that a farmer was growing liquerice again in that part of the world .... if he can I'm sure you can too.Do let us know how you get on. :-)
17 Oct, 2013