By Funkyfuchsia
United Kingdom
Hi all. I have been trying hard to find a supplier for Kondor potatoes in the UK, searching the web until blue in the face, i would be well chuffed if someone knows where i could get this variety,
It grows to record breaking weights and i want to have a go just for fun,
16 Oct, 2013
Thank you Moon Growe, Have tried JBA with no luck. But i have sent an inquiry so fingers crossed.
16 Oct, 2013
Thanks for your help, I now have some, after contacting JBA
they got back to me to let me know they were going to include them, only 10 potatoes for £4.00 so ordered two lots, that should give me plenty to eat and some for next years seed.
18 Oct, 2013
I'm not into growing huge tatties just ones we can eat!
16 Oct, 2013