By Hank
United Kingdom
A belated observation.
After growing toms for 5 years quite successfully I realised my silly mistake only this year.
I've been growing them in the greenhouse and in the back conservatory but this year I had 1 too many plants that none of my friends wanted so I found it a place outside in a raised bed.
It always lagged behind the others, but when the inside lot had all gone, it had many more toms on which were just ripening nicely, resulting in tomatoes which will last till the end of another month !
I've been a bit slow working this out but I'll definitely put 2 or 3 outside next year.
19 Oct, 2013
nice one , hank. thanks for those ideas.
19 Oct, 2013
You're welcome E, I'll certainly follow this up next year. Can't wait !
19 Oct, 2013
Did you find that the skins were tougher on the outdoor ones?
19 Oct, 2013
I think it will depend on the weather, very good this year but last years cold and rain would I think have been another story......
20 Oct, 2013
The toms were "Sun Baby" Sue, which were good, but not as good as Gardener's Delight, and the skins were just as usual I'm pleased to say. Next year I'll be growing Golden Sunrise along with the G.D.
And I forgot about the weather factor, Pam, but I'll still try a couple outside anyway, along with cucs.
20 Oct, 2013
The little red tom "supersweet 100" was the best tasting tomato I've grown in a long while, as you say I'm sure the weather helped but it was far and away the best, picking from early july and still a few ripening in the gh now...A definite for next year!
20 Oct, 2013
That's good hank. If I ever get any outdoor ones the skins are always tougher.
20 Oct, 2013
Previous question
But I forgot to add - I also put a cuc outside too, this year for the first time, which produced about 4 times as many as the indoor ones,and they were larger, although later !
19 Oct, 2013