By Janey
Could anyone tell me the name of this lovely Hebe, just coming into flower now?

23 Oct, 2013
I wondered about that Stitchwort, but I read that was a small leafed variety....these leaves are about 2.5ins long.
23 Oct, 2013
Could also be H. 'Mrs Winder' or H. Midsummer Beauty, but I'd ask how long you've had the plant? Has it made it through a winter yet? Because there are several newish varieties of Hebe which aren't entirely hardy which are frequently sold during late summer.
24 Oct, 2013
I think it's Hebe 'Heidi'. She flushes purple in autumn. Lovely plant, and quite tough, too.
24 Oct, 2013
Neither of those fit it Bamboo.....I planted it last Autumn and took 2 cuttings which have grown well. The leaves are large and all year dark green with deep red underside.....only beginning to come into flower now.
Hortum......yes hardy but dark red undersides and stem all year round. It's planted in full sun.
24 Oct, 2013
The nearest to it girls is Johnny Day....I've a feeling this is it, thanks for all your input though.
24 Oct, 2013
Made me laugh. I'll accept I'm in touch with my feminine side, but I'm far too old to be described as a girl, and my moustache and beard would definitely throw doubt on the title!
Re the hebe, Johnny Day's a bit unusual, so was it acquired from a specialist? Lynash nurseries in Somerset list it.
24 Oct, 2013
Whoops, sorry Hortum...given you a titter though. Well I wouldn't call Morrisons a Hebe specialist, but then supermarkets seem to take over everything eventually....:)). The leaves are about 3ins. Long and not narrow, it certainly is a dusky beauty....
24 Oct, 2013
My Mrs. Winder plant doesn't look like that! Does she have many plants named the same?
25 Oct, 2013
If you bought it recently in a supermarket, Janey, keep it somewhere sheltered over winter - it may not be fully hardy.
Gorgeous... I didn't bother to check the appearance of Mrs. Winder, its just I know it flowers around now and it has red flushed leaves. No idea how many plants are named after her, I don't know of any others.
25 Oct, 2013
probably Autumn Glory
23 Oct, 2013