Not a horticultural question
By Melchisedec
United Kingdom
I have just started to get spelling prompts under plant names ( the red zig-zag underlining) when I write comments. It is going to get really annoying! Does anyone know how to disable them?
I have had to replace the hard drive in my computer and wonder if that's the reason - perhaps it's a different version of Windows XP. (Even "XP" is underlined)
26 Oct, 2013
Yes, I know that it disappears, it's just that I haven't had to suffer it before! Oh well - never mind!! Thank you Hywel, for your prompt response. I shall think of you and tell myself to get over it! ((You've got little zig-zags under your name now - so has "zig-zags"!)
26 Oct, 2013
It is your internet browser that is checking your spelling. You can change the setting there. In Firefox it is Tools-Options-unchek the Check my spelling as I type button and then Save.
PS XP was released in 2001, so it is a very old version of Windows now and will be de-supported by Microsoft in a few months. That means no security updates etc.
26 Oct, 2013
or you can put the cursor over the word and then right click and it gives you an option of adding it to the dictionary.
26 Oct, 2013
You can tell the spell check to accept the word - second time you type it you won't get the zig zag. Or you can just switch off the spell check completely.
26 Oct, 2013
My name isn't recognised by the English spelling, you see.
When I send an email to my brother, in Welsh, ALL the words have zig-zag lines under them LOL :D
26 Oct, 2013
Yes ... you will if you're English :o)
27 Oct, 2013
I've never had 'zig-zags' before. Is it painful?
27 Oct, 2013
I get them occasionally,but I know my spelling is correct..sometimes it's because I have forgotten to start with a Capital letter to the appropriate word,or sentence..
27 Oct, 2013
Lol Hywel - really made me laugh! How very trying.
27 Oct, 2013
Thanks for all your answers!
I have now fixed it thanks to Kildermorie's help. I know that Windows XP is about to lose support, but just used the systems disk I already had. I shall consider my options again later. I'm already on my third version of Windows, having started with 3.1, so I suppose I shall just have to get used to yet another one!
29 Oct, 2013
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I get that, especially under the names of my cacti. I did find it annoying at first, but I am now able to ignore it. It disappears when you 'send' the comment ...
26 Oct, 2013