By Ladyessex1
Leigh-on-Sea Essex,
United Kingdom
I have hung up two holders for Nyjer Seeds for the Goldfinches but a friend has said the seeds will fall to the ground & I will end up with the weeds all over the place, Mmmm! Wonder if it would be best to take them back down?
Shame as it now seems a waste of money.
27 Oct, 2013
Thank's for your input & ideas :o))
I'm hoping the birds will come into our garden as at the moment they seem to prefer next doors feeders?
27 Oct, 2013
Certainly hearing plenty birdsong again feeders full
27 Oct, 2013
We had the same problem with our Niger seeds,so we bought a specialist feeder for them with a circular tray already attached..I haven't had a problem with them sprouting in the ground since..Mine mostly all fell out in the other feeder,as it was too lightweight in the the feeder holes were much too big..this one only has tiny slits in it..and we haven't had a problem since..they were a devil to dig out!
27 Oct, 2013
Yes the seeds do fall but in our garden they don't seem to grow. (Possibly because they fall onto the patio...)
27 Oct, 2013
A good answer,Sue..and logical :o)
28 Oct, 2013
I have found that the feeders sold for niger seeds contain it well; mine hangs above the patio too and the birds soon clear any that falls there.
28 Oct, 2013
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One of the big plant pot saucers underneath will catch falling seeds and provides a clear area for ground feeders - although they also catch rainwater and can turn into a mini birdbath.
Saw my first bird at new house yesterday evening so my bird feeders will be going out today.
27 Oct, 2013