By Mavisc52
United Kingdom
The winter weather has badly affected my Pulmonaria its sort of collapsed in the middle do I just leave it and see what happens or dig it out? Thanks
On plant
1 Mar, 2010
Yes Bulbaholic it is a pulmonaria,it fits your description to a t, I have had it about five years it has always been healthy and happy , it has pinkish buds opening to a soft blue flower.Even though it dies back a bit it is always there, but as I said it seems to have lost its middle bit any ideas? Thanks
1 Mar, 2010
Right Mavis, I think I understand better now. Pulmanaria grow from rhizomes. Over the years they produce new rhizomes on the outside of the clump and the original ones die out, hence the hole. If you leave it for long enough the centre of the original clump will become the outside of the new ring, if you get my meaning, and will be colonised by new rhizomes in due course.
Our pulmanaria die back completly in winter and is only just beginning to show.
1 Mar, 2010
Great Bulbaholic so I will get new plants either side and the middle will just die. You have made it very clear to an enthusiastic amatuer gardener who is always willing to learn. Thanks
1 Mar, 2010
Yes, and eventually it will form a carpet.
1 Mar, 2010
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Previous question
Our Pulmonaria is fully herbaceous and has been happily sleeping beneath the ground through the winter. I would expect it to be showing its nose(s) by now but it is late, like everything else. If your plant has been in leaf all through the winter, Mavis, are you sure that it is Pulmonaria - dark green, blotched, hairy leaves?
1 Mar, 2010