By Damow
United Kingdom
Ok, so I'm veering towards the amelanchier after some more research and all your helpful replies. One thing I did note was that an A L, if bought as a single stem tree option, may throw out suckers? (Memories flood in of a sumach I planted once but later removed and suffered the consequences of some roots left behind!)
Does anyone concur with this info? Thanks in advance.
9 Nov, 2013
Good choice, mine is looking lovely at the moment, showing off its autumn colours.
9 Nov, 2013
I have three growing in a clients garden which have been their for about ten years and suckering has been very minimal.
9 Nov, 2013
I don't think suckering would be a problem, it does happen but really only near the trunk, and they're easy enough to control.
Have you got a plan for what will be growing near to or under it?
10 Nov, 2013
Once again thanks all. Hadn't considered quite what to underplant it with yet but I would be interested in your input. It's most definateley the shadiest spot in the corner it will be planted, as moss is quickish to colonise the soil surface and that's even after having been improved with plenty of grit. The sun just does not hit that spot because of fence-shadow but the tree's branches would be sunlit. Eventually. It's certainly never bone dry there. What do you suggest?
15 Nov, 2013
Nothing like so aggressive, easily controlled if it does, and it's the natural habit of the tree in the wild.
9 Nov, 2013