Hi Last year I ordered some bare root beech for my garden
By Segovia
United Kingdom
Last year I ordered some bare root beech for my garden, about 50% of them failed for leaf this year and the supplier has sent me some replacements free of charge. On closer inspection this morning I have noticed that some the ones that didn't leaf are still green when I strip the bark whilst some are definitely very dry/ brown. Should I leave the ones that are still a bit green and chance they may come up next year?
The picture in the middle is the green one

10 Nov, 2013
Beech is one of the few plants that struggles to survive when planted bare-root after Christmas. I refuse to sell mine after January, and pot them up very early in the New Year. Failure rate is too high after then if they're not properly cared for once lifted in late autumn. I would replace any of yours that are struggling, as they're relatively cheap and it's not worth the wait! Should be about £1.50 - £2 for a 90-120cm plant.
10 Nov, 2013