By Misssixty
United Kingdom
Could anyone tell me please how to care for my prayer plant as its looking very unwell at the moment.Should it be kept in a warm room ?Thanks.
3 Mar, 2010
I was going to suggest that you said ten 'Hail Marys' to it, but I suspect that Moon grower's reference is rather more help than my feeble joke.
3 Mar, 2010
It made me smile,Bertiefox :o)))
3 Mar, 2010
maybe it needs a bigger pot to, lol bertie
3 Mar, 2010
Thanks to everyone for the replies, I think I will give the 10 hail marys a miss, it probably does nt like where it is, so I will keep trying.
5 Mar, 2010
Copy and paste this url
into your browser for lots of info. It certainly needs at least 10˚
3 Mar, 2010