By Aitchw
United Kingdom
Have just bought 2 small wangeranus( hope this is spelled correctly) trachycarpus. Someone I know has recommended chicken manure pellets be occasionally dug in. I am going to put membrane down and cover with cobbles/pebbles. I will have to uncover these though to put the pellets down. Has anyone else done this?
On plant
Trachycarpus fortunei
3 Mar, 2010
As long as the membrane is a proper 'geotextile' that lets through water while excluding light you should be ok.
3 Mar, 2010
Thanks Moon Grower and Bertiefox. I thought that when you placed weed surpressant membrane down, rain could still get through. Let me know if this isn't the case. I don't want to lose my trees!
4 Mar, 2010
Previous question
I have no idea about the chicken pellets but wonder how you think the trees are gonig to get any water if you put down a membrane and cobbles/pebbles.
3 Mar, 2010