United Kingdom
We have, for the past 4 years, had our lawn pecked to death by ravens crows pigeons even the squirrels had a go this year! Not so our neighbours. our gardener put up a scarecrow this time but after a day or two it was useless.We are at a loss. All the tufts of soil and grass have been raked away now leaving the bare earth and he put down 15 kilo of soil preparation and15 kilo of grass seed, needless to say the birds are having a picnic.
Your exprienced advice would be greatly appreciated.
Yours sincerely, practically lawnless!
3 Mar, 2010
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If your neighbours grass is unaffected, and it's just yours, there's something in your lawn that the birds like - leatherjackets or something that they're rootling around for, I'd guess.
4 Mar, 2010
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my grandad always use to tie string to canes around seeded area with foil cups or bottle tops, anything which makes a sound in the breeze really which was affective till grass had grown, hope this helps
3 Mar, 2010