United Kingdom
does anyone have the name of the bug killer that actually kills the red lily bugs, They are destroying my poor mum and sisters lillys that I buy them both as a tradition that goes back years and years, Mums onky problem is these red lily bugs whereas my sister lives on a forest so the wild deer actually come onto her land and eat the lilys as soon as they start to shoot up I know we canr harm the deer but my mum would be eternally gratefull to have her lilys back to full peak ( as before) many thanks
6 Mar, 2010
If you're not happy about picking the blighters off then you can use a soapy cloth - damp not wet and real soap not detergent.
8 Mar, 2010
What a shame about the deer. As for the bugs there's probably a spray but the only good thing about the little red blighters is that they're stupid about their coat. As they're so easy to spot it's easy to pick them off. That said, you have to know how. Put a white rag/paper underneath the lily before you try to pick them off as when they fall they always land on their back and their other side is black. I 've heard of people using a pencil with something very sticky on the end, syrup/honey or grease. If you check them every day you'll get rid without sprays.
6 Mar, 2010