Hi, this is a pond question
By Reem777
United Kingdom
Thanks again on the pond advice, I cleaned it all out, my poor little frog and his friend the newt were scared stiff!! Anyway, I did buy a solar pump as missed the advice about not bothering!! Not sure if I'm going to put anymore 'oxygenator' plants in as have no fish but I am going to get an filter at some point. At least its clean now.
6 Mar, 2010
Thanks for that, I'll do the newspaper thing tomorrow. No I don't have a pump, its something I need to sort out, need to research a solar one.
Was thinking maybe I'll remove the oxygenators and replace them.
6 Mar, 2010
if they still look good they will be ok. In the autumn I stuff a hand full in a bucket out of the way. less likely to die and rot in the pond. and then I dont have to buy anymore. :o)
6 Mar, 2010
Good idea, will remember that one for this year. Not looking forward to having to clear out bottom of the pond though!
6 Mar, 2010
I usually pour it on the borders but this year everything is so wet I wont bother.
6 Mar, 2010
it sounds like you have a natural pond . it wouldnt hurt to overflow the pond for a while which will stir up the dead stuff so you can pluck it out and give the stagnent water a good healthy change.i wouldnt get a soler pump as they are ok for fun but dont have much oomph. its worth bying a pump thats inclosed in one of those cages.put it up on some bricks so the mulm of the bottem doesnt keep blocking it up. just watch when you have tadpoles they dont get sucked in .
7 Mar, 2010
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Remove any dead foliage that you can see. If there are any leaves in the bottom then scoop them out too. Do you have a pond pump? if yes then get the water circulating.
To remove the film, lay sheets of newspaper carefuly on the surface then pull the paper back on itself slowly, the film will break up and most will stick to the paper.
If you are really desperate you could do a half and half water change. The oxygenators may well have died and rotted down. But having said that mine is coming back again.
6 Mar, 2010