By Hank
Cheshire, United Kingdom
This morning I'm going to pick up some bags of well rotted manure, but I seem to remember I was once advised not to manure the plot where I'm going to grow spuds. Or have I got that wrong and was it some other vegetable altogether ?
- 12 Dec, 2013
Bloomer is spot on fine for potatoes but not for carrots, or parsnips for that matter. Make sure the manure you are buying is well rotted.
12 Dec, 2013
Thanks guys, if it doesn't rain tomorrow , the job's as good as done.
12 Dec, 2013
Previous question
I think it's carrots that you don't use Manure for,Hank..but I always used to put my own well rotted Compost in the bottom of a trench ,then fill it back up,to let the weather do it's job..and plant out in Springtime..mixing in some more with the top's a while since now,as I don't grow veg anymore.I always had a good crop,but I've never used bagged Manure...someone will correct me,if I'm wrong,and give you the advice you need..but I would imagine it would be ok...
12 Dec, 2013