By Lilypad
United Kingdom
Hullo there everyone, There are certain plants that I cannot grow. Phlox, poppies .ranunculus scabious to name but a few. Does anyone know if they all need a certain type of soil? Just interested
9 Mar, 2010
They prefer neutral to slightly alkaline soil in my experience. but thats my soil and they do well for me.
9 Mar, 2010
My Phlox take some shade, Louise. I have some in sun, and others facing east. They all thrive. My soil is neutral, and well - nourished. I grow Oriental poppies and scabious too, but in sun. Strange, isn't it!
9 Mar, 2010
Thank you all I believe our soil errs to the acid side I grow azaleas heathers etc well and most other flowers except those mentioned
10 Mar, 2010
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I know that the phlox, scabious and poppies like a thin, poor soil and a lot of sunlight.
The ranunculus i think needs a more moist soil.
I have them all and those are the positions i give mine and they thrive.
9 Mar, 2010