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Lanarkshire, United Kingdom

my clematis looks dead can i rescue it



Which Clematis is it? Unless it is an evergreen one like C. armandii or cirrhose, or one of the New Zealand ones, then it is going to look dead until Spring, springs.

10 Mar, 2010


most of mine look dead but I am hoping when it warms up abit they will spring to life.

10 Mar, 2010


Try scraping off a little bark on some of the stems a few inches above ground level, if you see green beneath the bark then they are alive. In the warmer weather they will sprout again. It's normal for them to look just like a mass of dead brush in the winter.

10 Mar, 2010


Ours al look completely tatty and as if dead right now - give it a couple of months and they will be in leaf and flowering again.

10 Mar, 2010


Depends on the variety - mine were dead looking last month, but I cut them back (because they're varieties that should be cut then) to six inches and now they're showing buds of new leaves. But not all clematis should be cut now, or some not at all.

11 Mar, 2010

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