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By Gee19
United Kingdom
My friend has a field edge and ditch-bank full of flowering snowdrops, doubles and singles. He has kindly said I can help myself to some for my garden - is it OK to dig them up while they are still in flower or should I wait until the flowers have finished?
11 Mar, 2010
Thanks, Bulbaholic, I thought that would be the case but wanted to be sure. My friend's field is behind his home (and business) and next to open farmland so no one could easily gain access. The ones along the bank are right next to his home so it wouldn't be possible to anyone to sneak in to take any from there either. I will try and remember to take my camera when I go at the weekend - they are a beautiful sight and I certainly wouldn't want to spoil them.
11 Mar, 2010
Oop's, yes, I forgot the most important bit, didn't I. Don't forget the camera!!! ;-)
11 Mar, 2010
If they are on his land that is ok, but if not then they actually belong to the land owner and you could be arrested for theft!
11 Mar, 2010
Don't worry, I won't be committing any crime! The land belongs to my friend and he is happy and generous enough to share with us. We have a veggie plot there too :)
11 Mar, 2010
That's ok then, but there were lots of Snowdrops along a lane near here until someone stole them!
11 Mar, 2010
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Better to wait until they have finished flowering, Gee.
Please, please be sensative about digging them. Don't go mad and don't take them all from the same place. Also try not to let any 'Joe Public' see you and get the idea that it will be OK for them to come along and clear out the rest.
11 Mar, 2010