By Sprog
NP26, Monmouthshire,
United Kingdom
Apologies for this not being strictly a gardening question! My Granddaughter is 11 yrs old and her geography homework requires her to pick her favourite country for colourful plants and flowers. She has chosen CYPRUS. Well, no problem there in relation to looking up flowers and plants BUT - and here I have to admit how dim I am - she has to give THE GRID REFERENCE FOR CYPRUS!!! I can read on the map that the Longditude is 32deg. and the Latitude is 35deg, but I don't understand how to express that as the grid reference. Well, now you all know how dim I am but I hope someone can help me. Thanks everyone.
13 Mar, 2010
I tried Googling it but I didn't understand that either!!! And they expect an 11 yr old to know?????????? Oh dear.
13 Mar, 2010
If memory serves me right it is
35 degrees North, 32 degrees East. ( I can't find the degree symbol on my computer.) Hope that helps!
13 Mar, 2010
If you want to get really exact, go to Goggle Earth, and where ever you put the pointer, at the bottom it will give a readout that includes degrees, minutes, and seconds.
13 Mar, 2010
I think that the United Kingdom is the only place that uses the grid reference (NGR) system of location, excellent as it is.
For other countries I would expect to use latitude and longitude co-ordinates. And I would not expect an 11 year old to understand this either, Sprog.
13 Mar, 2010
my 12 yr old did this a while back, its part of the national curriculum apparently. certainly using ordenance survey maps. I think longitude goes first followed by latitude. they are written as a pair of coordinates
13 Mar, 2010
Well the depth of knowledge of GoY comes to the fore again.
You can learn something new every day! Lol
14 Mar, 2010
We call them 'grid references' when using OS maps, but is this term correct when using latitude and longitude on a global scale? I seem to remeber something about 'co-ordinates'.
14 Mar, 2010
A very big thank you to everyone. I was in a 'fog' about it all. Have now spent a few hours doing the preparation for my Granddaughter's homework - we can start discussing and putting it into a nice layout next week. As she gets older I'll have to smarten up my ideas I think!
All of you have been really great helping me out. Many thanks.
14 Mar, 2010
Please put us out of our misery what is the answer. I did not comment because I did not have a clue but for future reference - young grand children - I am waiting with baited breath. This site is so mind stretching as to be mind boggling at times but there is always an answer out there.
22 Apr, 2010
Previous question
Well Sprog, I must be as dim as you as I have no idea how to put those co-ordinates as a grid reference! Try Googling it?
13 Mar, 2010