By Susanburston
South Glamorgan,
United Kingdom
I have had some manure delivered that although it did not smell was still very obviously horses dung. My friend said to put it onto my veg beds and leave it with black plastic over - then in two months time it will be fine for my veg's - is she right? I'm just a bit concerned that it will not benefit my vegies
13 Mar, 2010
Hi thanks for the answer, although it doesn't smell at all it does not crumble - it is still round - is it too soon to put on my vegi beds what should i do with it.
13 Mar, 2010
All manure should be rotted down for at least 6 months before use. If it's horse manure, which is what I get, it won't smell because horses are vegetarian.
We have a bin where we store ours - and we also add a layer to the compost bin occasionally - it gets the compost going really well, and faster!
13 Mar, 2010
Thank you for that, I have had it put onto my raised beds, and i think I was lied to, i'll have to take it off the beds and wait for it to rot down. Once again thank you. Sue.
14 Mar, 2010
You're wise to remove it, Sue, even though it's extra work. It would 'burn' the plants and especially the new shoots.
14 Mar, 2010
If it is well rotted, that is doesn't smell and crumbles to the touch (of the spade or fork) then I would put some in under a small layer of soil for your potatoes and any beans or peas. Don't grow carrots in newly manured soil but most other veg should be ok!
13 Mar, 2010