By Primnproper
United Kingdom
I want to set about developing a physic garden and have a variety of 'medicinal' herbs to get started. I'd like to have some order to it and wonder how to set them out. Is there a special way to do it,for example by family or usage or other 'theme'?
13 Mar, 2010
The Chelsea Physic Garden, 66 Royal Hospital Road, London SW3 4HS, UK may be of interest as you are not too far away?
13 Mar, 2010
I have a book on Herb Gardens - trouble is, it's old, so I don't know if its still available (published 1984) It's called The Herb Garden by Sarah Garland and has info not only on medicinal and other herbs, but also lots of pics and ideas for how to plant and arrange them. You might find a copy in your local library.
14 Mar, 2010
As a spiritualist i would sit and be peaceful and let spirit guide me where to plant it. Good luck. Let me know how its going. Snake
14 Mar, 2010
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13 Mar, 2010