By 123abc
i grew sprouts last year but got a very poor harvest as they didnt stay in a tight head, the leaves spread out.Does anyone know the reason for this ,
14 Mar, 2010
you are not alone......mine did the same thing and i was heart broken, i really really love sprouts.i think my soil was too loose they like to have solid ground and a good supply of soil wasnt acid.i put the muck down,feed them. so the soil is the only thing i can think off.
14 Mar, 2010
They need 'planting wi' an 'ammer' as my old gardening guru used to say.
However, if they do 'blow' then you may still eat them, they stir fry beautifully.
14 Mar, 2010
thanks for that, hope i have better luck this year,
14 Mar, 2010
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« Great suggestions from Bamboo, but beware if you don't have acid soil, Pieris...
Brussels sprouts?
14 Mar, 2010