By Deeparsons
Hi I live in turkey and have just bought a camelia what postion do they like to be in and do they like wet or dry compost, Ive got it in a pot on the veranda. I picked a leaf off a rubber plant in somebodys garden how do I propagate it? Thanks Dee
- 18 Mar, 2010
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Camellias like to face north but not east ( especially if you get frosts). Our Camellias that get early morning sun do not do as well as the others. Acid soil is preferred ,otherwise the leaves go yellow. Fertilise with special mixture for plants that like an acid soil (ericaceous). Make sure they are kept well watered and fed from July through into September as that is when they start the buds for the next season. A plant in a pot. that really wants to be a big shrub may not do well after a while. We tried that and have one that was depotted and is now growing on well.
18 Mar, 2010