By Dan22
South Yorkshire,
United Kingdom
I have attched a photo of one of my cordylines that i have and would like to know what is wrong with it, the picture is of the centre of the plant, other than the centre the rest of the plant looks fine.

18 Mar, 2010
Had a lot of snow, temps down to minus 5, The growing tip when pulled seems firm and does not come out.
Any comment.
18 Mar, 2010
I have quite a few cordylines about 20' high but I am fortunate that I live in a very mild area. I would give it a while as it might be the leaves around the growing tip that are damaged and the tip itself might emerge quite healthy when it warms up. I don't know if you put fleece over them in the winter but if not it might be worth it in future.
18 Mar, 2010
Thanks for that, that is what we thought.
18 Mar, 2010
just remove the unsightly inner leaves and wait a while for the emerging new ones.
18 Mar, 2010
How do I remove the inner leaves.
can I just leave the outer leafs on and just wait for the new growth and how long should it take for the new shoots to come out and will the brown ones grow out.
18 Mar, 2010
I still would advise you to wait until the new leaves emerge from the centre before you take off the brown ones. They will protect the growing tip as we could still have some wet and frosty weather.
18 Mar, 2010
Pottingmad, Thats what I will do then thanks for the help.
19 Mar, 2010
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That looks as though the cold and wet weather has possible rotted the growing tip. Did you have a fair bit of snow this year ?
18 Mar, 2010