By Pamg
east midlands,
United Kingdom
bark damage on red leaf crab apple
what could be causing the damage on the branch of the tree, if it was lower I'd blame the pesky rabbits but this is way above my head on a branch 8-10" round. The bark has been stripped -- in one section about 6" x 2" and ind irregular patches around the branch, we rarely see squirrels but do have both greater spotted and green woodpeckers could they have caused the damage-- the tree is certainly over 25 years old but the bark did look in quite good condition
18 Mar, 2010
no Moongrower but at the height it would have to be a giraffe! thats what stumped me-- its a bit high but I thought of teethmarks as bits of the inner bark have been torn almost in strips
18 Mar, 2010
The deer will stand on their hind legs to get at soft tender bark...
18 Mar, 2010
been googling images and the nearest is grey squirrel from a new forest website, we rarely see them here and if thats the culprit i can't imagine how to control it :-(
Wish it was deer Mg-- I'd put up with the problem for a while and then build up the fencing...
18 Mar, 2010
Not birds, do you have deer?
18 Mar, 2010