United Kingdom
Can I plant native primroses now? I have some in pots which I meant to plant out in autumn. It's very mild here and so I thought it would be lovely to have them in their permanent spot for this year's flowering. They have been flowering in a small way all winter.
2 Jan, 2014
That's good news MG, thankyou. Given the severe gale warnings for Devon and Cornwall, I will plant them once the winds have subsided. Good luck to all of you in the west country, especially if you are on the coast.
2 Jan, 2014
generally if the plant is growing in a pot it can be planted any time as long as the ground isn't frozen. if the roots are congested tease them out a bit and if little rain forecast [fat chance!] then remember to water them well until they are established.
2 Jan, 2014
Hope you are surviving the weather Merlinbabydog. Could be worse here but I did see one wild primrose the other day in a very sheltered spot. Love 'em! I have lots in the garden, all wild ones self sown and they giver me so much pleasure.
3 Jan, 2014
Thanks for the planting tip SBG. Good news for me who wants to shift a few things from pots.
Steragram, I'm dying to see my primroses in situ and do so hope that they will spread. i was advised to plant them near the top of a bank so that the seeds will fall downwards. Hope they like claggy soil. As for the weather, no gales here so far though the loudest thunder I have ever heard.
3 Jan, 2014
Merlin - can you describe your 'claggy soil' a little more? Our native primrose prefers semi shade, something like light woodland and a humus rich acidic soil.
3 Jan, 2014
Mine get the afternoon sun but the soil is almost neutral and not humusy so all is not necessarily lost. You could add a bit of grit and leaf mould. Good idea to plant at the top of the bank
3 Jan, 2014
Hi MG and Steragram, the soil on the bank is clay and gets the morning sun, not a bit woodlandy. So i guess my original site-plan is not ideal and I shall have to have a rethink. I have lots of leaf mould and need to order more grit anyway so I can improve the soil anywhere. There are large trees in our back garden so they might do better there. I'll still plant one on the bank as a trial.
Thanks again for sharing your extensive knowledge.
6 Jan, 2014
Good luck Merlin, let us know how you get on.
6 Jan, 2014
I'd definitely plant at least one on the bank - in the wild round herethe ones that get the stronger sun disappear completely in the summer but they always come back.
6 Jan, 2014
If the pots they are in have been outside all the time then yes go ahead and plant them in the ground.
2 Jan, 2014