By Cynthia
United States
My daughter planted tons of impatients and they are looking pretty bad. They are straggly, few flowers and not filling in. Any ideas?
17 Jun, 2008
I found that one set of impatiens I bought this year definitely prefer more sun than the others - they too got scraggly and few blooms until I moved them. Impatiens can be rooted in water. You can clip off 2-3 inches from the end of scraggly branches, trim off bottom leaves and root in a few days. This makes the original plants bushier, and you use the new ones to fill in, start baskets etc. Fertilize now, of course.
17 Jun, 2008
Could they also be too dry or not getting enough light?
18 Jun, 2008
Previous question
« Actually I've just spotted another plant too, it seems to be growing well but...
It is quite common practice to remove the first flower buds and to pinch out the growing tips of young impatiens plants to make them put all their energy into growing bushier.
17 Jun, 2008