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Can anyone ID this for me please?


By Sid

Hereford, United Kingdom

I'm guessing this is some form of Spirea, but not sure. It is about 10 - 12ft tall, the leaves are toothed and it is currently covered with these little double white flowers. Any ideas? Thanks!



Not Spirea Sid , its the lovely double philadelphus.Stick your nose in it and sniff !

18 Jun, 2008


Really? Never noticed a smell - hang on I'll go sniff.........

18 Jun, 2008


Sorry, Bonkers - just dashed out and had a sniff - no scent whatsoever. The individual flowers are only about 1cm across (1/3 in) and the panicals are about 10cm (6in) long. Also, I said the leaves were toothed - in fact they are only slightly toothed.

18 Jun, 2008


Sorry Sid felt sure normally add a little proviso to answer in case got wrong plant but felt really confident leaf shape blooms so much like philadelphus but if no scent - it smells like oranges [ mock orange ] then clearly wrong , apologies.Be very interested to find out what looks so similar ..

18 Jun, 2008


I agree it is similar looking........ think flowers are bigger on Philadelphus tho.

18 Jun, 2008


That looks like Spiraea arguta but what the cultivar name is, off hand I cannot remember. We have it in the garden along with a doulble pale pink one and a double dark pink and a single dark pink. Probably no label on them though. Will look when it stops raining.

18 Jun, 2008


Thanks Owdboggy. I've been looking on the web and I don't think it looks like S. arguta. I'm now thinking it might be a Deutzia. Found a pic of Deutzia magnifica flowers - they looked very similar, but the pic of the shrub looked to be the wrong shape - too low grwoing. My shrub is quite upright - about 10- 12ft tall....

18 Jun, 2008


Really? It does look like Spiraea White Pompom. We do have some Deutzia but not a double like that. Hope it is then I can go plant hunting!

18 Jun, 2008


I think its a Deutzia Scabra Candidissima which has pure white double flowers

18 Jun, 2008


Let stupidity reign supreme. I have just been in the garden after the rain and actually found a label. What I thought was a Spiraea is actually a Deutzia and it is called Pink Pompom. The flowers on it though are almost white. Sorry.

19 Jun, 2008


Thanks Cherylrp and Owdboggy - I've googled Deutzia scabra and it does look very similar. Don't think it's 'Candidissima' (flowers not quite right) but prob some other variety of this plant. Thanks for your help, folks - quite a journey wasn't it! :-)

19 Jun, 2008


I'm pretty sure it's Deutzia my neighbour has one and when the petals fall they make a bit of a mess all over my border. It looks as if it should smell but it doesn't-goes very woody in the middle.

20 Jun, 2008


Yes, Kormos, sounds the same - this one is very woody - looks nice while in flower, but not very pretty otherwise.

21 Jun, 2008

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