United Kingdom
what plants are best for wet gardens
22 Mar, 2010
Try Ligularias, Rodgersia, Lythrum salicaria, Gunnera (if you have room!) Primula florindae, Astilbe, Aruncus, Darmera peltata, Filipendula rubra, Hosta, Lobelia cardinalis, Iris laevigata and I. ensata, oh, and Zantedeschia aethiopica 'Crowborough'. They're all hardy perennials - Gunnera needs some winter protection.
22 Mar, 2010
Iris pseudacorus, and Louisiana hybrid Iris, Primrose Creeper (Ludwigia peploides)--though possibly invasive--Acorus species, Pickerel Rush (Pontederia cordata), maybe also Scarlet Monkey Flower (Mimulus cardinalis). These are all margin plants that I have grown, and should be hardy in the UK. Loisiana Iris and Monkey Flower may be a little doubtful if your garden is very far north.
23 Mar, 2010
The candelabra primulas will love it! We cab't keep them going as the ground is not wet enough. Also if you have space a Gunnera.
23 Mar, 2010
Hey! Mrs MB - I said that! lol. (The Gunnera, I mean. lol)
Great minds think alike??
23 Mar, 2010
Oops... so you did :-) Yup great minds. Oh and there is the Lysichiton americanus, skunk cabbage - though it can be a bit invasive.
23 Mar, 2010
Sob, sob. Mine got covered in silt when the stream level went up - and back down again. I can't even see where it's planted! It hasn't got a hope in h**l of being invasive! ;-(((
23 Mar, 2010
Oh Spritz... so sorry ours has, just about, survived!
23 Mar, 2010
It's not likely to find the surface, is it? What do you think?
23 Mar, 2010
It might do... plants can survive a lot of things we don't expect them to.
24 Mar, 2010
I'll keep an eye open for it poking through, then! You'll hear the cheer from Moray if it does reappear. ;-)
24 Mar, 2010
Fingers and toes crossed...
24 Mar, 2010
Thanks. Is it a herbaceous plant? I can't remember.
24 Mar, 2010
Yes fully
24 Mar, 2010
Ah-ha! I might look carefully at last year's photos and see if I can locate it then! Thanks. :-)) Wellies on tomorrow!
24 Mar, 2010
Mr MB thinks they should do fine...
24 Mar, 2010
Awww....he's given me hope! What a nice man...:-))))
24 Mar, 2010
He is indeed
24 Mar, 2010
24 Mar, 2010
Plants (herbaceous) that usually grow along steam sides or the edges of ponds are good of which there are many. Shrubs such as Viburnum opulus, Cornus alba, Sambucus nigra. Trees such as Salix, Alnus, Acer rubrum (on its own roots and not grafted). Conifers such as Taxodium, Metasequoia and Chamaecyparis nootkatensis.
22 Mar, 2010