By Louise1
United Kingdom
Non Gardening ....
Is anyone else finding the site woefully slow to load all the time, lately ?
It seems to be all times of day, not just the busy times, is it just me ???
22 Mar, 2010
Yep, really, really, mind bogglingly, frustratingly s-l-o-w to do anything at all. It's got so I go away and do something else every time I click on something, otherwise I'm in danger of slinging the computer out the window. And it's only this site, not having trouble anywhere else.
22 Mar, 2010
PS. I'm looking through latest photos but each photo is appearing inch by inch so I'm off to make a coffee next, perhaps GoY needs caffeine too !
22 Mar, 2010
Well I thought it was me, I'm not the most expert but it is very slow going from one place to another. But I must say when I loaded two photos earlier it seemed alright.
22 Mar, 2010
I've noticed that it seemd slow today and thought that it might have been our provider.
22 Mar, 2010
i was just about to write a similar post, so its not just my system then. I almost phoned Virgin and ask them to remove it and i'll sign up with BT, but now iv'e found others with the same problem, maybe i wont.. 8)
22 Mar, 2010
Iv noticed it 2 !!! Thought it was me/Pc Louise ? Its been slow since thursday 4 me :(
22 Mar, 2010
Yes, I noticed it also.
22 Mar, 2010
Yep, I noticed it first end of last week too. I doubt caffeine will work, though a sharp kick up the proverbial is very tempting... I might not live long enough to get to the page I want at this rate...
22 Mar, 2010
no not me but i always am the odd one out it seams lol
22 Mar, 2010
You said it, Np!! LOL
Yes - I agree. I am getting frustrated! Returning to my home page is the worst.
22 Mar, 2010
Me too, Spritz - and heaven forfend if you want to mark something as seen... time to make a cup of tea before it does it.
22 Mar, 2010
I just made a comment, waited for it to appear, and when it didn't, I pressed submit again - then I got a duplicate! Grrrr....
22 Mar, 2010
Thanks for raising this Louise, it's a a relief to know I'm not the only one. What's this Leigh, you the odd one out, never. LOL.
22 Mar, 2010
I'll do a 'contact us' I think.
22 Mar, 2010
At around 9pm I submitted a comment on a photo Irish posted and said I liked it. The "I like this photo" appeared but the comment did not. It's now 10.30pm so I'll retire and see how things are in the morning. : o )
22 Mar, 2010
I've sent Peter & Ajay a message.
22 Mar, 2010
Very slow tonight I thought it was me and ditched the cookies but it didnt improve. So glad its not just me!
22 Mar, 2010
yep , me too , couldn.,t answer a question.
23 Mar, 2010
Ah, so it's a general thing then and not just me !
Like others of you, i'm having no problem with other sites, just this one.
Maybe it'll be sorted out now Spritz has contacted Peter & Ajay.
23 Mar, 2010
I have contacted P & A a few days ago and they said there was nothing wrong.
It is dreadful and I often switch off.
Well they are bound to take notice of Spritzhenry. They just told me there was nothing wrong.
23 Mar, 2010
I hope they look into it because there's clearly something amiss if we're ALL experiencing the same thing !
I also switch it off and don't bother with it Hywel, it's infuriating.
23 Mar, 2010
Still not that zippy this morning... there IS a problem P & A. I've never had a site take as long to load as this one is recently.
23 Mar, 2010
I've had problems too. I know that some providers are updating and improving their internet speed (Virgin for one)....but that shouldn't affect just this would be all of them.....
23 Mar, 2010
They usually respond quite quickly - so let's hope that there 'is' an answer to this - I mean in the 'solution' sense!
23 Mar, 2010
i kept getting a 'bad gateway' message last week and it was just on this site.
23 Mar, 2010
Hello all.
We are looking into the speed issue at the moment to see if there are any quick things we can do. We are probably going to have to upgrade servers again soon but that needs a bit of thought and takes some time.
23 Mar, 2010
Thanks Ajay. GoY is still slow this afternoon. :o(
23 Mar, 2010
It's playing tricks, too, Ajay - it keeps telling me that GOY is incompatible!
Also - I saw three identical blogs, like last time. So something is wrong! Hope you can sort it out. Thanks for your response.
23 Mar, 2010
The correct way to deal with this would have been for members to use 'contact us' instead of imposing on one member to do all the work. That is wrong.
Spritzhenry probably didn't mind doing it, and you were all lucky she was willing to do it - but that's not the point.
'Contact us' is there for a reason. It sais so in the guidelines.
25 Mar, 2010
What is the point of inundating p & A with messages when they only need to get one saying this is a problem we are all experiencing. Until Louise put up her question I thought it was just my internet provider.
25 Mar, 2010
I also thought it was my computer, but I thought I'd check via 'contact us'.
Is everyone going to wait around for someone else to do everything for them then ?
I've said what I think is correct and I'm not going to be drawn into an arguement. You say what you think, but we'll have to agree to differ I'm afraid.
25 Mar, 2010
No problem Hywel... last thing I want is another dispute on GoY :-)
25 Mar, 2010
they probably need more bandwidth, this is by far the slowest site i visit , and i visit a lot of sites.
25 Mar, 2010
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Funny you should say that ... as a newcomer to computing I just accept what happens ... then my daughter called in and said how long it was taking to load photos and do a blog ! She then proceeded to check her e-mails in record time ... that makes me wonder if it's a GoY thing ! : 0 )
22 Mar, 2010