By Peastick
United Kingdom
Hello, I'd like to ask your advice about growing Sweet Peas. I should say that I'm a complete novice.
I live in Sowerby Bridge, West Yorkshire, in the foothills of the Pennines and have no garden, just a yard, it faces sort of south west - north, but gets sunlight from around 7am and direct sunlight from around 8am - 6pm. It can get windy though.
Can I grow Sweet Peas from containers (onto a trellis)?
The variety that I'd like to grow is Geoff Amos,
Best Wishes, Geoff Amos
23 Mar, 2010
And they'll need a weekly feed once they start to flower.
23 Mar, 2010
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Sweet Peas like a nice deep, humus rich root run, so if you want to grow in pots, make sure they're a minimum of 2 feet deep, preferably more, and I'd use a mix of multi purpose compost and John Innes No. 2 as the growing medium.
23 Mar, 2010