By Dorespond
United Kingdom
Will cordyline australis recover after frost problem.
On plant
Cordyline australis
24 Mar, 2010
Bamboo - are you copying and pasting this answer? I don't blame you f you are :-)
24 Mar, 2010
This is the most frequently asked question this year, wouldn't you say?
24 Mar, 2010
Absolutely - the garden centres must be rubbing their hands together in glee, ready to count all that lovely money from people buying replacements - and by the way folks, they're £3 in my local Wilkinsons!
25 Mar, 2010
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Previous question
You'll have to wait and see - if no growth by mid April, you can chop the mainstem down by half to see if that forces growth from the base or up the stem - but if the stem is soggy when you cut it, just get rid of it.
24 Mar, 2010