By L1ntv
United Kingdom
A couple of trees in my garden have knobbly branches which appears to be killing them is this a disease? The branches look almost as tho they have mildew on them and look mishapen - any ideas how I can treat them?
24 Mar, 2010
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Are they fruit trees?, if so it could be canker and wooly aphids, spray with winter wash after cutting out any dead branches. As Sid says we need more information.
25 Mar, 2010
are you sure its not just lichen growing on the branches?
25 Mar, 2010
Yep, more info - I'm going with Steve's suggestion of lichen on the branches, and the "growths" sound like galls of some kind, but who knows, not enough info.
25 Mar, 2010
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A photo would be very helpful....and I think we need to know what sort of trees you've got.
24 Mar, 2010