By Janbgs
United Kingdom
I have a very old Laburnum Tree at least 25 years old it has,nt been pruned very often over the years, and this year the branches have gone green like a mould, what can I do to treat it, although it does still bloom every year.
25 Mar, 2010
LOL Volunteer!!!
I agree. There's no need to treat anything unless it's actually having a detrimental effect on the tree, which I'm sure it isn't.
25 Mar, 2010
my acer tree has a similer thing growing on it but its fine so dont mend something that isnt broken i guess . lots of bigger plants/trees are hosts to smaller ones mistletoe for egsample not that there all harmless but i believe volunteer and sid the dolphin are right in this case .
25 Mar, 2010
Eeeeeeek! Eeeeeeeeek!
25 Mar, 2010
whats up dolphin girl ?
26 Mar, 2010
That was dolphin for "if it aint broke, don't mend it" ;-)
27 Mar, 2010
you know i thaught so sid i just wasnt sure lol xx
27 Mar, 2010
Yeah, it's handy having a second language lol
27 Mar, 2010
eeeeek mc eeeeeek thats what a scotch dolphin sounds like sid .
28 Mar, 2010
i bet you didnt know that lol.
28 Mar, 2010
No, but I do know what a Scouse dolphin sounds like.
Eeeeeeeeek! Why-I-Man! Eeeeeeeeeeeek! (They're quite rare tho).
28 Mar, 2010
or a welsh one who i feal are rarer than that eeeeeeeeeeeek isnt it eeeeeeeeeek and rarest of all the dolphin the royal dolphin my eeeeeeeeeeeeeeek and i lol or the irish dolphin you can actualy tell them without them making a noise,they swim backwards and flap there heads lol.
29 Mar, 2010
PMSL......I think we're in danger of offending everyone LOL LOL
Are you feeling better now that spring is here and the clocks have moved?
29 Mar, 2010
could you tell sid lol . surly everyone likes to smile its good for you.
29 Mar, 2010
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This is probably just an algae growing on the branches. It usually shows that the plant is not growing strongly, or is in shade, or just that the local air is clean. It isn't necessary to treat it although it would wash off the parts that you could reach. ( you might need a lager for the parts that others can't reach!! LOL).
25 Mar, 2010