By Piplyn
South Glamorgan,
United Kingdom
i planted tomatoe seeds over three weeks and no signs is it too early
25 Mar, 2010
You will need bottom heat to germinate your tomato seeds; they are best sown in seed compost.
25 Mar, 2010
Some heat is needed too, like a windowsill propagator. I cover mine with vermiculite, but sometimes have found that they take 3 weeks to come up.
25 Mar, 2010
25 Mar, 2010
thankyou for your replies and to amblealice love the photo
25 Mar, 2010
I put mine in the airing cupboard after sowing. Check them daily and as soon as the first shoot can be seen coming through, move them to a sunny windowsill. Germination takes 3-4 days on average using this method
25 Mar, 2010
25 Mar, 2010
Thank you Piplyn....and good luck!
25 Mar, 2010
Previous question
Hi,I hope you are well.I don't know how you've started you tomatoes,but from past experience,if I have failed on these plants,it is either that I set them too deep (usually one eight of an inch best) .I use a mixture of John Innes No91 mixed with a middle of the road compost.There again,I would like to bet that there is not a gardener on this site who has'nt at one time or another had a packet of sterile seeds.Did you put glass or cling film over your seed tray?Well that is my little gleam of light and I hope it goes someway to helping you..Pan's luck to you.bye
25 Mar, 2010