By Great
United Kingdom
Why do gardeners plant potatoes on Good Friday????????????
Mine have chitted so am thinking of planting them today - should I?. Is Good Friday a tradition if so why?? are there any advantages for waiting? This year I am growing Charlotte and Desiree in plastic as, Don't laugh, I never seem to dig all of them up!! and have potatoe
crops all around the the following year. Seems sensible to grow them in plastic bags so I can find them all.
26 Mar, 2010
Yes agree with Bulbaholic, plant them on Good Friday dig them up on August Bank Holiday, (the first monday in August).
26 Mar, 2010
Thanks guys. thank you bulbaholic for the extra info I just love knowing why people long ago did the things they did back then. I love traditions I think I will stick to this one then I can't go wrong. As you said it makes a lot of sense! and thank you Doctorbob1 I will remember to dig them up on August bank holiday putting the date in my diary now. I'm such a scatterbrain i'll forget
Thanks again. Do either of you know any more gardening traditions that's its worth sticking to?
26 Mar, 2010
My father always did that, because of that, Bulbaholic. He was a professional head gardener but never got time to do any work on his own plot.
26 Mar, 2010
Great, I know a lot of old traditions that are NOT worth sticking to!
26 Mar, 2010
26 Mar, 2010
In Sussex, on Crawley fair day you sowed your runner beans and put up the sticks for them to grow on in the morning and went to the fair in the afternoon. Remember you had to put in a full days work before you could go i.e. 4am. to 1pm. 9 hours with no breaks.
Hey John, surprise, surprise good to see you out of hibernation at last. I am just going to answer your PM.
26 Mar, 2010
Thanks Doctorbob1 have you got anymore?
29 Mar, 2010
I think I need to write a book Pauline.
31 Mar, 2010
Can I have the first copy please???!!! I love old sayings and folk lore and other stuff like that Dr bob
31 Mar, 2010
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Planting potatoes on Good Friday is merely tradition. In past times when cottagers worked long hours with few holidays then Good Friday was the first suitable day off that they got. Remember that potatoes were a staple part of the diet then and they would have had a large family,, so they planted many more potatoes than we would today.
Good Friday, this year, is probably as good a day as any but it can vary over about a couple of months of the calendar. We will possibly plant our first earlies any day now, the others following a little later.
26 Mar, 2010