By Microtots
United Kingdom
I have a retaining wall made from concrete slabs standing upright. It is very effective, but very ugly. Can anyone suggest how I could improve the look without removing it completely.Thanks
27 Mar, 2010
Maybe chisel off and stone down any projecting "blobbies" and sharp edges. Sandblast and/or acid wash the surface to expose some of the aggregate. Then maybe treat with iron and/or manganese sulfates to give it a natural earth tone color.
Other colors can be put on with translucent wood stain, but some of those will fade with time and sunlight. Maybe also plant sedums or small sempervivums in the cracks.
27 Mar, 2010
maybe just get it renderd or even better get some natural stone and build that up the front and just over the top with cement.this will look stunning rather than mite need some help but it would be well worth it.the willow screen idea is good and much easier as cookygirl sais.
27 Mar, 2010
Yup, a render sounds just the thing to me. I'd use natural stone, but the choice is endless....seashells, pebble, gravel, broken plates, mosaic, tiles.....
27 Mar, 2010
Yes, I would say render and paint it either white, natural stone or a pale terra cotta. You could add accents with tiles or even a mosaic. Use trellis and go to town on climbing plants. There are some wonderful trellis types around in willow, wood and metal. There are also some lovely outdoor mirrors and metal screen and decorative grills.
27 Mar, 2010
sounds good to me windows allways work well especialy if there subtle behind a climber or something.
28 Mar, 2010
Why not cover them in the mix used to cover old sinks that way you will end up with aging and moss.
28 Mar, 2010
you can also put some good top soil in instead of all sand and either mix in a bit of wee or a drop of yoghurt excuse my spelling.this works brillintly as the head i built just 3 years ago in my front garde is green and actualy sprouting what looks like very fine grass it looks great.take care bye for now .
28 Mar, 2010
dont use all dirt though.i suggest 2 parts sand or 2 and a half to 1 part soil and one part cement .get some marrygolds.keep wetting the wall so the cement adheres to it and squash it on bye hand and generaly sooth it will look brilliant in a year or 2.i would also when youve done some or all depending how big it is get a cheap decerating paintbrush and a bucket of water with said pee or the alturnative and wet the brush well and brush out the cementing looking marks and bumps your bound to have.
ps dont let the cement dry out to quick even if you wrap it in old wet clothes and black will last much much longer and wont giving all my secrets away here lol.anyway i hope this has helped take care bye for now .
28 Mar, 2010
So, that's 2 parts sand to 2 parts soil and how many parts wee??!!!! LOL
28 Mar, 2010
thats one part soil 2 parts sand and one part cement and one good bladder full of of wee topped up with water.when you mix cement you mix the cemment with the water/wee combo to make sure all the cement gets wet.then you add the cement, dirt , sand mix till its to a cosistancy so you can make it into a ball.gently toss it in the air and it still basicly hold its doent crumble apart and it doesnt go flat and gooey.know this isnt the same as what you would use for say rendering a house professionaly but that isnt the look your after .thats another trade secret gone for ever lol.whats happend to your maths siid i thaught dolphins were clever animals sound like your counting your flippers lol.eeeeeeeeeeeek deeeeeeer eeeeeeeeeeek lol .
29 Mar, 2010
'A good bladder full'....I hope you're getting all this Microtots!!!
29 Mar, 2010
Just dont try and put it on in one go as it may fall off?
29 Mar, 2010
like i say make sure the wall is wet when you do it and wear gloves.
29 Mar, 2010
My neighbour put up a concrete wall and they r wht I done was buy willow screen (on a roll) and ive got climbers growing on it looks much better.
27 Mar, 2010